To receive a quote for Photographer & Videographer Insurance, simply answer all questions outlined in the form below. Our team will be in touch shortly.

All fields marked with an  *  are mandatory.

Note: You have the option to Save and Complete this form later if needed, simply scroll to the bottom of this email and click the "Save and Complete Later" link.

Insured's Details

Estimated turnover for current financial year

Estimated turnover for next financial year

This is an annual policy providing 12 months of cover from the Commencement Date subject to review, acceptance and payment of the annual premium.

Type of Cover Required

Photographic Equipment Insurance Options

Minimum Excess: $200 each claim. An excess of $500 applies for laptop computers, tablets, mobile phones, PDAs and the like as well as claims made outside of Australia.

* Provides extended cover up to 90 days excluding all countries on the "Do Not Travel" and "Reconsider Your Need To Travel" lists as detailed by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Travel website .

Note:  This foregoing is only a brief summary of the cover and you are advised to read the Policy Document closely for full details. The Policy Document is available for inspection upon request or from our website Cover will not attach until the application is accepted and premium paid.

Section 1: Loss of or Damage to your Equipment

Please note:

  • This section must be completed prior to the commencement of cover and must include  all the equipment to be insured. Please specify the type of cover required for each item.

  • No item will be deemed of greater value than $500 unless specified in the Schedule.

  • If you are registered for GST the Sum Insured value should be the GST exclusive amount.

  • Please exclude Sum Insured value for Drones and Time Lapse equipment. Please contact us for a quote.

Your Equipment Schedule can be uploaded as an excel or word document. 

For each item of equipment to be insured you must provide the following information:

Brand & Description of EquipmentSerial NumberSum InsuredType of Cover
(options are Aus/NZ wide, Worldwide* or Studio Only)

* Worldwide Cover Extension provides extended cover up to 90 days excluding all countries on the "Do Not Travel" and "Reconsider Your Need To Travel" lists as detailed by the Australian Government of Foreign Affairs and Travel website 

Please enter the total sum of equipment to be insured with Australia & New Zealand Wide Cover. A schedule of items is required prior to cover commencing.
Please enter the total sum of equipment to be insured with Studio Only Cover. (Typically items permanently in the studio or home). A schedule of items is required prior to cover commencing.
* Provides extended cover up to 90 days excluding all countries on the "Do Not Travel" and "Reconsider Your Need To Travel" lists as detailed by the Australian Government of Foreign Affairs and Travel website
Please note, that a minimum of deadlocks (or equivalent security subject to approval by Coverforce) on all external doors is required.

Optional Extensions

Section 2: Public Liability Cover

Essential protection for all photographers, this covers your liability for claims by members of the public who suffer injury or damage to property while on your premises or while you are working at their premises. You can also include cover for liability for goods in your care, custody or control.

Please note: There is an excess of $500 to each property damage claim. This extension cover does not include USA or Canada. Please contact us if USA or Canada cover is required.

Section 3: Professional Indemnity Cover

Professional Indemnity Insurance provides protection when you or your employees are sued for an act, error or omission in relation to professional advice given. Our policy covers damages, compensation, interest and costs, and costs of defence.

Please note: There is an excess of $500 to each claim. This extension does not include USA or Canada. Please contact us if USA or Canada cover is required.

General Insurance History

General Insurance History (For Section 3 PI Cover Only)


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General Advice Warning

This document has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You must therefore assess whether it is appropriate, in the light of your own individual circumstances, to act upon this advice.Please refer to the Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) prior to making any decision to acquire that product.

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Coverforce Partners Pty Ltd  ABN 57 089 245 465    AFSL 245377